About us
EURO line d.o.o. is a private company, founded in 2009. as repair shop, which over the course of the business paid a lot of attention to company’s development. The company founder is Mr. Salih Šišić.the company has succeeded over the years to establish itself as the leader in automobile transport in bosnia with a know-how of more than 10 years and an ability to adapt to customer demand.
Main activities of the company are transport in domestic and international traffic, rent a car, insurance, registration of the vehicle, domestic and international transport of goods.
Due to successful business policy, Company EURO line d.o.o. market success is confirmed by a broad list of satisfied customers.
The business policy of the company is:
- meeting all requirements of clients from the business area
- providing the highest possible level of support to end users and customers;
- employment and education of the best people for business;
- operation at the highest ethical principles;
- honesty and integrity in each business contact to the highest possible level;
- communication with end users, customers, other business partners and employees in a same responsible way as they would like them to relate to the company.
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